Saturday, September 27, 2008

What I did this summer

This summer I completed two more paintings based on scenes from last year's Greek Island visit. Both are in oil on 18x24 canvas. The top one is titled The Commuter and the other is Just Browsing. I was really taken with the widespread use of whitewash and bright colored ironwork. The bright Aegean sun made everything sparkle and appear beautifully clean.
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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Another New Painting

I just finished another one. Manarola Boatman is based on a photo looking down from the cliffs at Manarola in the Cinque Terre area of Italy. There are five villages in this area that are a hiker's delight. Great scenery--cliffs, vineyards, quaint villages--good food and not quite so many tourists.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

New Painting

Just finished another painting that was inspired by a scene on one of the Greek Islands--I think it was Santorini. This open-air restaurant surrounded by little shops offered lots of color, but the lone seated customer was the real story. Check it out on my link.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Two of my newest paintings, which you can view by clicking on the link, A Classic amidst the Classics and Morning Glory Construction are based on things I saw on last summer's cruise of the Greek Islands. Both were on an early morning walk through the old city of Rhodes. The first one was I turned a corner to view some old ruins, there was this shiny Jaguar parked in the street. It was so out of place yet so perfect that I immediately knew this was going to be a painting. The second was a construction site on one of the side streets that appeared almost abandoned except for the promise of the beautiful morning glories.
I gathered a lot of material on that trip and will describe more as I paint them.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Welcome to My Blog

I have finally figured out how to show more of my paintings to more of you out there. With a little help from my oldest daughter, Stephanie, and hours of frustration I have created this blog. From time to time I will post items about the paintings I am working on and events in my life as an artist. If you don't see what you want here, let me know. I do commissions as well as putting down on canvas the things that I find interesting. I hope you like them.