Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Four new paintings for the gallery

Once again it is time to change over the exhibits at the Plantation Artists' Guild and Gallery. I have completed four new paintings for the next show. This time I dug through some old photos that I had stockpiled and came up with ideas that provide some variety. I'm surprised that I hadn't used these as inspiration before, because they all appeal to me on a personal level.
Two of them are studies of sunsets on water. I am always fascinated with the colors and movement in that environment. Another has to do with motion of a different kind--bicycle racing. Although I don't race, I still like to ride and feel the exhilaration of pedaling through open country. Finally, the fourth is another study of flowers. This is always interesting to me because of the intricate details and subtle color shifts in nature. We'll see if the buying public feels as strongly about these new additions as I do.