Monday, January 31, 2011

Buon Giorno--
Two more paintings from this past summer's stay in Italy. Both of these are going in the next show at the Plantation Artists' Guild and Galllery. In My Garden shows some of the billiant red flowers in bloom around one of the statues around the pool garden at the villa we rented in Tuscany. What a gorgeous place! The Market is from an open air market in Rome. The animated discussion between the shopper and the vendor caught my eye. With the colorful fruits and vegetables and the assorted other goods for sale, it begged to be put on canvas.
I will probably add a couple more from this trip for the next quarterly show. I am currently working on one that depicts a couple of pigeons resting on a fountain in the garden. At the same time, I have been working on a commission of a friend on his bicycle. I will try and post that one before I deliver it.
In a couple of weeks we will be leaving for Paris. I hope to find some fantastic street scenes to paint for the Fall show. More about that when we return.
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