Monday, October 22, 2012

End of Year Show

It is time for the November show at the gallery and this year we are introducing something new. We call it Gallery Squared. Each exhibitor was asked to produce art on 10" square wooden blocks. This is in addition to the regular pieces that are to be exhibited this quarter. I have produced two of the squares. "Are you talking to me?" is based on the facial expressions of my mother's Pekingese, and "Where is that 'Paws' key?" is from my curious little Cockapoo discovering a keyboard. While I wasn't thinking about it when I created these, it seems that the majority of my sales this year have been animals and birds.

"Amelia Summit Meeting" is from the scene outside the gallery's back window. There in a small golf course lake is a log where the local turtles meet to sun and?.

"Downtime" comes from a scene I observed in Rome last year. The drivers seem to spend a lot of the day relaxing in the carriages. Might make a nice retirement job.

"Mutual Admiration Society" is based on one of my daughters love for animals and the knowing response of a carriage horse here on Amelia Island. I hope I have portrayed the feelings that each has for the other.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Gallery Additions -
Another show is coming up, and I have been painting steadily to prepare. Four new entries include: Lucy -A painting I did of my older dog. She is now thirteen and recently diagnosed with Lymphoma. I guess the painting was a cathartic exercise as I came to grips with the future. She is now in the midst of chemo and is doing well--so far.
Feeding time was based on a fellow traveler who stopped during a tour of Dubrovnik to feed the pigeons.
It struck me how giving and nature-loving man can be when he stoops to aid the lowliest of the bird kingdom.
R.I.P. is of a little old church and surrounding graveyard located on an old plantation on Fort George Island in Florida. The location, perhaps from its age, takes on an almost otherworldly feeling of peace.
And, Eager Crew was from observations of the antics of local pelicans. These were excitedly greeting boaters on the downtown dock in Fernandina Beach.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Latest Additions to Gallery Entries

The Spring show just opened at the gallery and I entered four new paintings.
 Concentration was based on a long ago visit by my grandson. All of the surrounding world becomes secondary as a child examines the grains of sand spilling between his little fingers.

  Island Sunshine is a remembrance from an earlier dive trip. Everything becomes golden as the sunshine melts over the water and islands of the Caribbean.  

First Spring is based on a photo of one of my dogs when she was only a few months old. The warmth and wonder of a young pup's first Spring leads to a pause...if only for a brief moment.

The Door Guard came from last Fall's cruise.
Upon reaching the entry to a beautiful, old building in Dubrovnik, I was taken by the sentinel at the door. Unmoving as the tourists walked by, he seemed to say I am guarding my place.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Latest Show Entries

Due to some extraordinary circumstances, I missed posting the latest show entries. These were hung in the gallery in February. Two were from my Fall trip to Europe--one from Italy, one from Monaco--and the third came out of my head as I recalled a past fishing trip.

The Vineyard depicts the colors of Fall by a winery near Lucca. The yellows, reds and fading greens contrast with the stucco of the local structures. It was so peaceful during this quiet time of the year.

Sleeping Gull shows how warm sunshine and a beautiful garden can make one oblivious to everyone around. This guy was totally zoned out. As I walked through the gardens near the palace observing the marvelous statuary and lush plantings, the gull stood out as the most unexpected sight. came to me as I was looking through old photos of a fishing trip. When we unloaded our gear on the dock, the pelicans were extremely curious. It occurred to me that had I left things unattended they might have been even bolder. That might have led to what I decided to paint.

One more I almost forgot. I am also exhibiting Beach riders. This is another painting based on an old photo I found in my collection. It could be any beach (there are horseback riders here on our beach), but I think it came from somewhere else in the country. At any rate, I just like the silhouttes against the water.