Saturday, April 1, 2017

Results of a few cold and rainy days....
Every once in a while we get a few days here in paradise that aren't perfect for outdoor activities. During a recent spell of those days I decided to drag out my seldom used watercolor supplies and see what might transpire.
Floats and Flowers II is a watercolor version of a previous oil painting. The location for the original was on Cape Cod. I stumbled across it while on a vacation there a few years ago.I think it worked as well  in watercolor as it did in oil.

Gathering Storm II is also based on an earlier oil painting. The oil was done a number of years ago and I don't remember the exact location, but I believe it was somewhere in New England. It was one of my earliest seascapes.

Barnyard was never an oil painting. It was an image that somehow stuck in my head from studies early on in my painting career. It was probably included in an instructional book that I perused a number of years ago. The simplicity of the images were perfect for a quick watercolor attempt.
Although I don't intend to leave oils as my primary medium, I think an occasional foray into watercolors may happen more often. These were quick and quite enjoyable to do.