Saturday, September 14, 2024

 Ahead of Schedule

Next gallery show isn't until November, but I have finished three new paintings so I thought I'd go ahead and post them. Two are for the show and the third is a commission piece that I just completed.

While on a tour in Canada a couple of years ago, I spotted this fellow on a crisp fall day. I don't know if he was having any luck, but I admired the determination and style. I call this Intrepid Fisherman.

The second one is from our trip to the Galapagos Islands. We were in a zodiak enroute to another hike when we passed by a small rocky islet with a couple of sleepy sea lions napping. My attention was drawn to the reaction of the one who seemed to be questioning why we were disturbing nap time. I thought I would name the painting Do Not Disturb!

My third painting was a commission piece. A lady who turned out to be a neighbor had seen my painting of Toby watching the dawn by the beach hanging in the gallery. She contacted me and asked if I could do a similar painting of her dog. We agreed to meet at a suitable beach location and I took a number of photos of him. After doing several sketches for potential compositions, I had her chose the one she liked best. I then spent several weeks painting this one. It is named simply Harley after the happy boy.
Currently I am reworking a couple of paintings I did several years ago. I think I can improve them. We will see how that works out soon.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Time for a new gallery show 

Three new paintings are ready for the new show opening in a couple of weeks. First is one from a recent golf round. As I approached the green, I spotted this hawk perched atop the flagpole. I immediately thought of the title, "Birdie on Number 8".  I had a lot of fun painting it.


The second one is also a local scene. There's something about early morning when no one else is around and the extraordinary colors of dawn come creeping in that wakes up the artist in me. I had to try and capture the oranges, purples and pinks in the painting I call "Walkover at Dawn".

The third one I named "Gull's Territory". I really enjoy trying to capture character. I find that allows the viewer to make up their own story. These guys obviously show that as they seem to be staking a claim to their perch.
Till next time.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Another opening another show

I have been very busy with other matters the past few months but managed to complete two more paintings. The first is based on a photo that my daughter shot while spelling me on the early morning walk with my dog. I title this Greeting Dawn on Amelia. Toby likes to watch the light change over the ocean as daylight creeps in.

The other piece is from a photo my other daughter sent me during a business trip to Italy. I was interested in the contrast between the animated exchange and the serene surroundings. I call this one The Conversation.
Hopefully things will calm down soon and I can get back to more painting. Till next time.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

 Two New Pieces

With a shorter time span between shows at the Plantation gallery, I have only finished two new pieces to display. Both of these are from Italy. The first comes from a trip where we stayed on an agri-resort in the Puglia region. This was a great base for exploring that region of southern Italy. In between visiting sites around the region, I would wander the fields and gardens of the resort. One day I stumbled on a secluded pond with an interesting statue in the trees. I wanted to capture the peace and beauty of the scene. I call this one Garden Goddess.

The other is from a photo that one of my daughters shot in Florence. I was intrigued by the way the duck was standing on the wall as if proclaiming that this was his place. I also found the duck to be quite different in appearance from our local ones. I named this painting It's Just Ducky here in Italy.

More to come next time.