Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Time for a new gallery show 

Three new paintings are ready for the new show opening in a couple of weeks. First is one from a recent golf round. As I approached the green, I spotted this hawk perched atop the flagpole. I immediately thought of the title, "Birdie on Number 8".  I had a lot of fun painting it.


The second one is also a local scene. There's something about early morning when no one else is around and the extraordinary colors of dawn come creeping in that wakes up the artist in me. I had to try and capture the oranges, purples and pinks in the painting I call "Walkover at Dawn".

The third one I named "Gull's Territory". I really enjoy trying to capture character. I find that allows the viewer to make up their own story. These guys obviously show that as they seem to be staking a claim to their perch.
Till next time.