Thursday, July 23, 2009

It has been a busy summer at the Plantation Artists' Guild and Gallery which is now my primary gallery. As part of my duties as Guild Director (not official until Nov.) I have started a Tuesday painters group where artists working in varying mediums gather to paint together and talk. I am finding it to be inspiring and productive. Two of the three new paintings I am adding here were done in the Tuesday sessions. "Approaching Murano" was based on a stormy photo that my daughter sent me from one of the family excursions to Italy. "Menemsha Docks" is a more impressionistic treatment of a scene I have painted before. "Fernandina Shrimpboats" is also a scene I have painted previously, but this time it is on a much larger scale.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Very lovely work! The sky and waves in the storm painting are amazing. The red one also is really neat. The light blue boat picture is great as usual and very typical to your style. It looks a lot like many of the ones in the den. Again, great work.
