Sunday, February 1, 2015

Three New Paintings

It has been an eventful few months since my last posting--a real roller coaster of emotions. First, we had a wonderful cruise aboard a sailing yacht from Barcelona to Lisbon. It was particularly enjoyable as we traveled with old friends whom we don't get to see very often anymore. The trip was spectacular in that it was a wine and food tour. We sampled many fine wines from Spain--I lost count about 45, and the food was excellent also. There should be a number of paintings coming from the reference photos I shot along the way. Two of them are completed and you can see them now.
Unfortunately, when we arrived home we found that my mother had been hospitalized for bronchitis and began a spiraling down from there. Several falls led to additional hospitalizations and then came the pneumonia. She passed away in early January at nearly 96 years old.
Prior to that, we had both daughters and their families visiting with us for the holidays. Six additional people plus another dog made for some happy chaos. When they returned for the funeral along with additional relatives, it wasn't as happy but strangely comforting.
In all the confusion, I did manage to finish three new paintings and begin a fourth. Rest Stop is based on local scenery here.
I find it interesting the way wildlife adapts to our intrusions into their world. The scene was comfortingly peaceful.
 The other two paintings are from the trip. Flamenco used a red palette to try to capture the vibrancy and excitement of the local dance troupes. Swirling costumes and exuberant Spanish guitars exude energy and love of life.

The third, Looking at Ewe, came from a day trip where I was wandering around a farm in Southern Spain and came across a flock of sheep grazing. Most of them totally ignored me, but one seemed as curious about me as I was of her.
I am nearly finished with a Spanish vineyard landscape and will post that sometime soon.

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