After selling the Paris at Midnight painting to a lovely couple from London who wanted to make it a housewarming gift for their daughter who was moving her family back a couple of months ago, I rushed in a painting that I had just finished to the gallery. Unfortunately, I had not photographed and posted it yet. So now, here it is.
I found this scene outside Quebec City last October while touring to see Fall colors.And, that's what I named it, Fall Colors.
Finally, the fourth new painting is from my last trip to London.This one I named Tap Dance. I remember it was early afternoon in London. I was just walking around trying to soak up the English experience. I realized there was a pub on the next corner. Suddenly, a hunger for fish and chips and a tankard struck me. It was everything I imagined with all the old wood paneling, numerous beer/ale taps and the well-dressed regulars with white hair. I sat in a corner absorbing it all while munching on my lunch. I believe it took another tankard while I filed all the details into my artist memory.