Saturday, April 13, 2019

It's Spring Again...

The weather is getting warm again and the three new paintings are all outdoor images from here on the island. First is one that I call Dinner? I was glancing out the window of my den/workout room and spotted this fellow on a plant nearby. Although I realized that he was just enjoying the warmth, I decided that he needed an incentive for being there. So, I added in the dragonfly.

The second painting is based on a marsh scene from one of our parks here. I thought the small island out in the marsh grass would make a nice landscape and so I painted it as I saw it. After finishing, I felt there was something else needed to make it more interesting. After much thought I added in the egret flying by. I named this one simply Island Fly By.

The last of the three is also from the same park.
We have a community picnic and celebration each year with food, games, and music. I often take photos of the bands that play to see if I can find some interesting angles or characters. At the last one, there was a band with a number of members playing--at least six or seven or more. The members that grabbed my attention were these three on one end of the stage. Obviously, I call this painting The Boys in the Band.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

These are great! I really like the boys in the band. That egret is gorgeous. Keep it coming!