Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Staying in place...
 I believe that when you can't really go anywhere the creative mind does the traveling for you. It helps to have a wide variety of reference photos to help stir the imagination. Even though the gallery where I currently show my new work is closed temporarily, I have completed three new paintings for the show that would have opened last week.Two of them are from shots that my daughter shared from Italy. They made me want to go back for another visit, but until that is possible...pictures will have to suffice. First is one from the beach at Portofino. The striped boat covers grabbed my attention so
I call this one "Beckoning Stripes".

The second one caught my eye for two reasons. The local colors are wonderful old world colors that just say Italy to me and the arches hold it all together. This one is "Street in San Remo".
The third is a local scene here on Amelia Island. An early morning on the beach (still closed) revealed a lone hunter in the surf. While I could have named it something to do with social distancing, I simply named it "Dawn Beach Walker".

I'm nearly finished with a fourth one, but Ill save that for my next posting.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Great paintings! Thanks for making us feel like we got to visit Italy and the beach in Florida while we are all sheltering at home. Looking forward to the time when we can travel again soon.