Friday, October 1, 2021

 Donated photos provide inspiration

With the freedom to travel still somewhat delayed, I am thankful for the photos that family members send me for inspiration. This time I have four new paintings based on photos from my travel agent/photographer daughter and a cousin. Three of them are from my daughter's latest trip to Croatia. The first two have a similar theme. They both feature stairs. The symbolism of rising up resonated with me when I first viewed them. I call them "Steps #1" and "Steps #2".

The third one caught my attention because of the light. I wanted to capture that impression of light from behind with the semi-darkness of the land mass. The feeling of an imminent storm adds to the overall interest. This one is named "Rovinj at dusk".

The last was from a photo that my cousin sent me from his mountain home in North Carolina. He often has visitors such as this one. I titled it "Bear left then right".

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